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Why Does Car Wireless Charger Gets Hot

Why Does Car Wireless Charger Gets Hot

Your phone may get hot while using a built-in car wireless charger for several reasons:

1. Inductive Heating:

Wireless charging uses electromagnetic induction to charge your phone. This process is inherently less efficient than wired charging, which means more energy is lost as heat.

2. Misalignment:

If your phone is not perfectly aligned with the wireless charger's coils, the energy transfer is less efficient, generating additional heat.

3. Environmental Temperature:

The inside of a car can often be hot, especially if parked in the sun or without air conditioning, which can exacerbate the phone heating issue.

4. Phone Case:

Some phone cases can insulate the phone, trapping heat, or they may hinder the wireless charging efficiency, leading to additional heat generation.

5. Battery Stress:

Wireless charging can sometimes strain the battery more than wired charging, potentially causing more heat.

6. Charger and Phone Compatibility:

If the wireless charger and the phone are not well-matched in terms of power output and reception, it could lead to inefficient charging and extra heat.

To solve the heating issue when using a built-in car wireless charger:

- Proper Placement:

Ensure your phone is correctly aligned on the wireless charging pad to improve efficiency and reduce heat.

- Cool Environment:

Try to keep the car cool with air conditioning or by parking in the shade to minimize environmental heat.

- Remove Phone Case :

If your case is thick or not made for wireless charging, remove it before charging.


- Battery Health:

Maintain your phone’s battery health by avoiding charging it from 0% to 100% frequently.

- Use a Car Charger Adapter:

Consider using a wired car charger adapter that plugs into the car’s power outlet and uses a USB cable to charge your phone. This can be more efficient and produce less heat than wireless charging.

- Check Compatibility:

Ensure your phone and the wireless charger are compatible and support the same charging standards.


Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of car wireless charging versus wired charging:


Wireless Charging Advantages:


  • Convenience: You can simply place your phone on a charging pad without fiddling with cables.


  • Reduced Wear: There's less physical wear and tear on the phone's charging port since you're not repeatedly plugging and unplugging a cable.



Wireless Charging Disadvantages:


  • Heat Generation: As mentioned, it can generate more heat due to inefficiency.


  • Slower Charging: Wireless charging often charges more slowly than wired charging.


  • Alignment: You must place your phone correctly on the pad, which can be tricky while driving.

Wired Charging Advantages:


  • Faster Charging: Wired chargers generally offer faster charging speeds.


  • More Efficient: Less energy is lost as heat, making it more efficient.


  • Reliable: Wired connections are less susceptible to alignment issues.

Wired Charging Disadvantages:


  • Inconvenience: It can be less convenient to connect a cable, especially while driving.


  • Wear and Tear: Frequent plugging in and out can wear out the charging port.


By addressing these issues, you can reduce the heat generated during wireless charging. If the problem persists, using a wired charging solution with a car charger adapter and USB cable may be a more efficient and cooler alternative.

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